Wild Lapsang Souchong is a unique and flavorful black tea from Wuyi, China. This tea is made using traditional methods, save the "pine wood" smoking, which gives a more intimate connection with the pureness of the leaf. The tea leaves were harvested from remote wild tea plants among the famous Tong Mu Guan "Gate of Woods". This tea is perfect for those looking for a bold, robust tea with a smooth finish. Try this Wild Lapsang Souchong today and experience the rich flavors of Wuyi, China.
Pine Wood "Wild"
红茶 hóngchá Red-Black Tea
"Pine Wood" Wuyi, China, Tong Mu guan 桐木关 "Gate of Woods"
Portion: How Much Tea To Get?
- 30g is a good Sample size
- 60g is a nice portioned Stash
- 120g is plenty to stock a Supply.