Shui Jin Gui, also known as "Golden Water Turtle," is a type of Yancha or "Rock Tea" that originates from Wuyi, China. This premium Oolong tea was harvested in 2023 from 50-year-old trees on the Lian Hua Ding or "Lotus Peak." Its name is inspired by the golden color of the tea and the shape of its leaves, which resemble a turtle's shell. Shui Jin Gui expresses a complex flavor with a strong fragrance and smooth finish. This tea is a true treasure for any tea connoisseur.
Golden Water Turtle
烏龍茶 wūlóngchá Oolong Tea
"Golden Water Turtle" Yancha "Rock Tea" Wuyi, China: 2023 Lian Hua Ding 莲花峰 "Lotus Peak" 50yrs Tree